The mining sector is filled with confusing (often intentionally) information that has left investors disenfranchised with the sector. The Share Collective provides a tool to cut through the smoke and mirrors in an ecosystem where a growing network of users can find the emerging deals.
The platform is for everyone, it allows users from a broad range of backgrounds to get a sense of what a project's essence is and the factors driving it. Whether you're a mining exec looking at options for your project, an institutional investor exploring the best project in the hottest commodity, or a M+A advisor looking to benchmark a project against every other similar project, the Share Collective can help.

The platform has been built from the ground-up to ensure your data is safe behind enterprise-grade security. It was created with transparency at the front of mind, which enables the tool to not only be factual but also educational in the delivery of information. By entering the key parameters/components around a project you can rapidly come up with a valuation.
You control who sees what. The mining and investment sectors are heavily regulated in most countries. Share Collective’s platform is secure, safe and it allows you to determine exactly who sees the project evaluations you create. Many investment brokers create evaluations and share them internally with their team, as do exploration geologists and mining engineer groups. That said, you can…
Who can see my work?
Work done on the Share Collective tool is kept secure behind enterprise grade security. Your team using the tool will be the only ones who can view material on there.
Who can use Share Collective?
We currently work with a broad range of customers in our mission to become the gold standard of preliminary evaluation. Currently using the system are Junior Exploration through to Major Mining Companies, Corporate Advisors, Brokers, Mining Conference Organizers, Media Outlets, Journalists and Letter Writers.
Can I share my work?
Sharing between cross discipline colleagues has never been easier, we can also facilitate any required legal work that is required for sharing between different organisations. This allows you to explain a project to another party in a format they are used to and that they can digest quickly.
The project I'm assessing doesn't yet have a published study, how can I know what it's worth?
The tool allows users to speculate and analyse a variety of scenarios with the added information of similar projects which are easy to reference. This enables an easy to do bench marking that would otherwise be quite difficult, while maintaining 100% transparency. This can be completed by your internal team or with the assistance of our team of geologists and mining Engineers.